Mark S. Burgess
 Rotary Camp Enterprise
 Holiday Golf
 Geoomains Expo
 Mark and Julie |
- Director of IT - Center Square
- Director of IT - Evoque Data Center Solutions
- Director of IT/Robotics Instructor K-3, Old Town Academy charter school
- CTO - Metro Mobile Marketing Inc.
- Mentor, San Diego High School, Academy of Finance (2009-2015)
- Board Treasurer/Founding Director (1998-2016) - Media Arts Center San Diego Board of Directors
- Publisher/CTO/Founder (2008-2009)
SD.com Acquisitions LLC
- CEO/Founder (1993-2008) sandiego.com, Inc.
- Partner with David Brin, HoloceneChat (1999 - 2009)
- Director (2006-2009) - Associated Cities
- Director (2006-2009), Old Town San Diego Chamber of Commerce
- Advisory Council (2004-2009) Mainly Mozart
- Contributing Editor - e-business Advisor magazine and Databased Advisor magazine
- Contributing Editor - Windows Tech Journal magazine
- Technical Editor - Security Advisor magazine
- Director of Professional Development, Computer and Electronics Marketing Association (now HTMA)
- Project Management Software Reviewer - PC World Magazine
- Founder - Knowledge Works, Inc. Software development and consulting
- BugWeb - integrated SQL Server and WorldWideWeb for software fault recording
- National Schools Report on the Web - database server on WWW for 25 page report
- US Air Force Ballistic Missile Defense Office Executive Information System prototype
- Counter_Measures - casino security system
- BIOLA Graphics - water flow graphing and analysis system
- Training Center - Company training requirements and scheduling
- Ergonomic Director - ergonomics inventory system
- OSHA Forms Management System - government reporting system
- QuoteNet - telecommunications for centralized purchasing management
- Profit Maker - business operations analysis
- Camacho Mechanical Estimating System - construction estimating
- Chapter Manager - association membership list and meeting management
- The PAT System - mutual funds transaction analysis
- Who's On Disk - menu system for the PC
- Software Release Manager - project-oriented software version/release manager
- The Polling System - telecommunications system for invoice collection
- News Budget System - broadcast news expenditures tracking for NBC affiliate
- QuikEyes - trains new users on the mouse in Windows environment
- Nutripoints: The Software - nutritional intake tracking and analysis
- CrossLink - church membership organization tool
- The Chart - multi-project GANTT charting system for R&D groups
- Change Tracker - construction subcontract tracking and analysis
- Certified Project Management Professional #188, PMI (renewing)
- Marketing Department[sic], Professional Applications Corporation
- Project Manager, Publications Administrator, General Dynamics Electronics Division, San Diego
- Master of Business Administration, University of San Diego
- Bachelor of Arts - Creative Writing, University of Arizona
- Business Manager, Blue Moon Press (link to award), University of Arizona
- Summer/Part-time jobs: warehouse manager, short order cook, well crew, swimming pool diver/heater mechanic, librarian, hotel maintenance, gas station attendant, dishwasher, plumber
- Attended high school at Hellgate High
- Attended church at First Presbyterian Church (same as appearing in movie "River Runs Through It")
- Eagle Scout and Post President Mullan District(was Scout Troop and Explorer Post #4 in the Western Montana Council)
- Grew up in Missoula, Montana The Missoulian